Thursday, November 1, 2012

Storms of life

Having watched quite a bit of coverage of Hurricane Sandy earlier in the week, my heart goes out to all of those who were affected by the storm. One can never underestimate the raw destructive power of Mother Nature. Also, a tip of my hat goes out to all the brave individuals who put their own safety aside in order to help, assist and rescue those that took the brunt of the storm. After the storm blew past, the wreckage left behind in its wake was unbelievable. It will take months and more than likely years before the cleanup and rebuilding process is complete. One thing about us Americans; no matter what our political, social or religious difference may be, we always seem to come together as one when tragedy strikes and we work together to rebuild from the rubble.

Just as storms can cause devastation to trees, buildings, bridges, roads and other physical structures, storms can rip through our personal lives, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. Stress from losing a job, marital infidelity, financial problems or a host of other things can stretch a person to their limit. Sometimes these can be silent storms; raging on the inside, creating havoc in ones mind. Other times, these storms rage in plain sight for all to see. Words are said or actions are taken that can physical and emotional damage to those who are unfortunate enough to cross the path of the raging storm.

When those storms of life come into your life, there is help. Just as FEMA and state and local agencies come to peoples aid in times of natural disasters, there is help when a personal storm rages in your life. That help is found in the Bible. In Luke 8: 22-25, we see that Jesus and His disciples got into a boat to go to the other side of a lake. While sailing along, Jesus took a nap and while He was asleep, a storm arose ("a fierce gale of wind descended on the lake" verse 23) and they were afraid. The disciples woke Jesus up and seeing their fear, He "rebuked the wind and thesurging waves" (verse 24).  Needless to say, the disciples were fearful and amazed and the power Jesus had over nature.

That very same Jesus can calm the storm that rages inside a person. In Mark's gospel, he told of the encounter this way in chapter 4; "And He got up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, 'Hush, be still.' And the wind died down and it became perfectly calm. (verse 39). Jesus can speak to the storm raging in our soul, telling it to be still, and it will calm. Back in Luke's narrative, Jesus asked his disciples where their faith was. That's all we need, is faith. In faith, ask Jesus to calm the storm that rages inside of you and He will answer by calming the storm. Where there was confusion, pain, anger and doubt now has been replaced with faith hope and love.

My friends, when the storms of life come crashing into your soul, you don't have to face that storm alone. Seek Jesus. Ask Him to calm the storm that rages within you. If you ask in faith, He will answer your prayer and calm the storm.

( all Scripture reference are taken from the New American Standard version )